Thursday, October 13, 2011

Love at First Sight.


Have you ever met someone, and immediately known you would be friends?
One look, and you KNEW..

That's my version of "Love at First Sight."
I don't think you'll fall in love romantically, but you can find a soul-mate.
By soul-mate, I mean someone you were supposed to meet.

I'm not meaning this to sound crazy, or random. But I completely believe that God has ordained for us to be friends with certain people. We have soul ties with them.
They're few and far between, but when you meet them, you'll know.

Sometimes it's subtle, and you'll think to yourself, "I could really get along with this guy."
Other times, one smile can make you best friends for life.

I wanna be that friend to everyone I meet. When you see me, I want us to love. Love because we're both happy, or both hurting, or both alive. We've all got something to start on.

It's the sweetest feeling in the world, to meet someone and just... click.

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